Justice League:EFD APK+Data Files
•5 playable DC Comics Super Heroes: Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and the Flash
•Support hero system: 30 support hero cards with awesome illustrations
•Multiple uniforms: From the classic uniforms to the DC Comics - New 52 uniforms, each with their own special skills
•4 chapters and 20 missions featuring original backgrounds from DC Comics
•Amazing full 3D graphics based on the Unity engine
•Upgradable hero skills and powers
Requires Android:2.3 and UP
Download Link:(Only For Dual Core and QUAD Core Phones)
Apk File:
Justice League EFD Apk
Download Data Files:
Mirrors:(Apk+Data) One Single Link:
Justice League EFD Apk+Data Mirrors
Install APK and PLACE Data Folder in SDCard/Android/Obb and play.
Play this game without connecting to internet.
•5 playable DC Comics Super Heroes: Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and the Flash
•Support hero system: 30 support hero cards with awesome illustrations
•Multiple uniforms: From the classic uniforms to the DC Comics - New 52 uniforms, each with their own special skills
•4 chapters and 20 missions featuring original backgrounds from DC Comics
•Amazing full 3D graphics based on the Unity engine
•Upgradable hero skills and powers
Requires Android:2.3 and UP
Download Link:(Only For Dual Core and QUAD Core Phones)
Apk File:
Justice League EFD Apk
Download Data Files:
Mirrors:(Apk+Data) One Single Link:
Justice League EFD Apk+Data Mirrors
Install APK and PLACE Data Folder in SDCard/Android/Obb and play.
Play this game without connecting to internet.